How Important Is Physical Therapy To Stroke Patient Rehabilitation
Date Key Points About two-thirds of stroke survivors will need some form of physical or other therapy. The role of the Physical Therapist is to evaluate the movement of the stroke patient and create a personalized plan to help them regain strength, coordination, balance, and control of their movement. Physical Therapists are experts at movement who improve patients’
Date HydroWorxs Pool Key Points The use of water activities removes excessive forces on joints and allows your body to transition to land-based rehabilitation. Exercise performed in water can bring relief to patients who suffer from neuromuscular or musculoskeletal disorders Aquatic therapy is a complementary solution to help improve strength and endurance to recover or improve from the
Physical Therapy Isn’t Just For Pain
Date Key Points Recent studies show that physical activity strengthens your immune system Physical Therapist are experts in human movement Physical Therapist can help you with more that just your injuries Physical Therapy Isn’t Just For Pain. It Can Keep You Healthy For Life. You know that physical activity is good for you. The benefits are well researched and
The #1 Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Physical Therapy Experience
Physical Therapy Guide to Multiple Sclerosis
Physical Therapy Guide to Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is a disease that impacts the brain and spinal cord which make up the central nervous system and controls everything we do. The exact cause of MS is unknown, but we do know that something triggers the immune system to attack the brain and spinal cord. The resulting damage to
The Physical Therapist’s Guide to Plyometric Exercises
Plyometric exercises are a series of drills that utilize explosive forces in functional or sport specific patterns that help you develop strength, power, and coordination. This type of exercise challenges demands of the stretch shortening cycle, which involves an eccentric contraction of a muscle followed by an immediate concentric contraction of that same muscle. The stretch shortening cycle
5 Tips to help stay healthy this Winter Season
Staying healthy is likely at the top of your list almost every winter. But this year, in the midst of a pandemic, it may be even more of a concern than usual. You might wonder: should you be taking special supplements to boost your immune system, or investing in cleaning devices to zap germs?While the viral threats may
How to prevent “tech neck” pain while working from home.
By: Dr. Ariel Ross, PT, DPT, E-RYT 200, YACEP and Kevin Chavez, PTA COVID 19 has definitely changed everyone’s ideals of work life balance. As a society we are sitting now more than ever. Neck pain is a common condition that can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle. At ARSO, we see many of our patients coming in
Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain
It is estimated that about 100 million people in America are living with chronic pain. Chronic pain can interfere with your day-to-day work and recreational activities, and it may have a profound effect on your ability to concentrate, relax, and enjoy life. There are a multitude of treatments available for chronic pain: medication, massage, exercise, acupuncture, and a
Physical Therapist’s Guide to Knee Pain
Knee pain can be caused by disease or injury. Among American adults, approximately 25% have experienced knee pain affecting the function of the knee. The prevalence of knee pain has increased over the past 20 years, with osteoarthritis being the most common cause in individuals over the age of 50. Knee pain that is caused by injury is